How do I cancel ANF membership?
A member may resign from membership by written notice addressed and delivered to the Branch Secretary in which he or she is a member. The notice may be given electronically.
Is iFolio free?
The ANF iFolio comes with all the benefits listed below plus many more and is entirely FREE with your ANF membership! Already a member?
Is ANF membership tax deductible?
Yes. All fees paid are fully tax deductible.
What is ANF membership?
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation is the union for Registered Nurses, Registered Enrolled Nurses, Registered Midwives, and Registered Assistants in Nursing doing nursing/midwifery work in every state and territory throughout Australia.
How many registered nurses are in Western Australia?
“There are currently 15,566 FTE nurses working for WA health. In 2021 an additional 1,259 nurses and midwives were recruited to WA hospitals,” he said. “With a workforce of over 50,000 people there will always be some staff leaving the sector, either into retirement or into other employment.
Do I need to join nursing union?
It is NOT a legal requirement to join a union but you may be encouraged to join a union by your nursing peers or employer. First things first - union membership can be claimed as a tax deduction.