How do I get into the Black Dog Institute?
The Black Dog Institute is located on Hospital Rd, within the grounds of the Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick. Street parking is limited near the hospital so we recommend that you park in the Metro Car Park – entrance via Hospital Rd. Pay stations are located on levels B1 and O.
Who owns the Black Dog Institute?
Who does Black Dog Institute provide assistance to?
The Black Dog Institute promotes better mental health through their clinically-endorsed school, workplace and community programs. They are also involved in training the next generation of health care providers through GP, psychologist and psychiatrist programs.
Who is the CEO of Black Dog Institute?
Black Dog Institute Chairman Mr Peter Joseph AM, Hon. DUniv UNSW, has announced the appointment of leading psychiatrist and workplace mental health researcher Professor Samuel Harvey, MBBS DCH MRCGP MRCPsych FRANZCP PhD, as the next Executive Director and Chief Scientist of the Black Dog Institute.