Which is better EQ Bank or tangerine?
EQ Bank is the clear winner over Tangerine when it comes to GICs. When comparing rates, EQ Bank offers much higher rates on their term-investment options. EQ Bank recently introduced registered GICs along with its famous non-registered GICs, making it that much more optimal over Tangerine Bank.
Is EQ Bank and Equitable Bank the same?
Based in Toronto, EQ Bank is a trademark of Equitable Bank. Equitable Bank is a federally regulated Schedule I bank with over 900 employees across Canada.
Is Equitable Bank related to Equitable Life?
Equitable Life is in no way associated with the Equitable Group, a Toronto-based alternative mortgage lender. Equitable Life of Canada posted outstanding financial results for 2016, surpassing previous records on almost all financial fronts and achieving several significant milestones over the course of the year.