What do recovery addicts eat?
What do I eat in FA? FA members eat food that can be found at any grocery store: fruits, vegetables, proteins, dairies, and whole grains. Members cook their own meals at home with the guidance of a sponsor and also enjoy eating in restaurants.
How do I start recovering from food addiction?
Stop dieting and let go of rigid thinking about food.
Recovery from food addiction does require a kind of abstinence, but not from eating. Instead, it means giving up your specific eating-addiction behaviors, such as eating impulsively, obsessing about food, or restricting your food intake.
What is the FA program?
FA is a program based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. There are no dues, fees, or weigh-ins at FA meetings. FA is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience and mutual support, are recovering from the disease of food addiction.
What is the official FFA website?
What was FFA original name?
the Future Farmers of America
What did FFA change its name to?
In 1988, the official name of the organization was changed from the Future Farmers of America to the National FFA Organization.