Is FreedomPlus legitimate?
FreedomPlus has an excellent 4.9-star rating on Trustpilot based on 2,900 customer reviews. FreedomPlus' Better Business Bureau (BBB) reviews also are largely positive, and the A+ BBB-accredited lender has a 4.73-star rating based on 1,115 reviews.
How do I contact FreedomPlus?
Call this toll-free number: 800-297-5879. Reply electronically by contacting us through electronic mail at [email protected].
Is FreedomPlus the same as Freedom Financial?
FreedomPlus is the consumer brand of Freedom Financial Network, LLC, which is headquartered in San Mateo, California. FreedomPlus developed a proprietary underwriting process that delivers low-cost loans to borrowers and low-risk access to consumer loan portfolios for accredited investors.
Does freedom Finance affect credit score?
They allow for you to conduct your own loan research, knowing that it will not affect your credit score.