How do I cancel my People's Choice renewal?
You can cancel your policy at any time by contacting us, we can cancel your policy by sending you a seven-day notice in writing to your last known address.
How do I contact Peoples Choice?
Contact People's Choice
People's Choice can be reached by calling 0333 999 3989, or via online live chat.
Is People's Choice same as Hastings?
People's Choice is a trading name of Hastings Insurance Services which is based in Bexhill-on-Sea in East Sussex. Hastings Insurance Services is part of the Hastings Group, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange.
How do I register with Hastings Direct?
How to register
- Go to the MyAccount log in page and enter the email address you used when you bought your policy.
- You'll be sent an email so that we can verify your address; just click on the link.
- You'll be asked to set up your password and then you're done.