What is RR com email?
Rr.com is a popular email service commonly used for personal account creation. Recent quality reports have classified rr.com with a low risk profile as most accounts originating from this domain are valid and safe.
Is Roadrunner email still available?
As a result of the rebrand, all roadrunner.com and rr.com emails have been phased out and rebranded as Spectrum. Consequently, all users were asked to convert their email domains to Spectrum no later than October of 2019.
How can I access my roadrunner email?
Assuming you have a valid username and password, visit the aforementioned https://www.spectrum.net/login/ page and sign in to your account. Using the menu, which is accessible from the top left of the screen, go to 'Manage Account', then 'Services' and select the 'Internet' option.