How much does Art of Living course cost?
As an example the Art of Living 3 day happiness program is around Rs 2000 -Rs3000 in cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai etc. In smaller towns, the cost is between Rs1000 - Rs1500, and villages would charge lesser than this. It would also depend on what the facilities are being provided at the course.
How much does Sky meditation cost?
The SKY Breath & Meditation workshop cost is usually $399 per participant in all the University campuses across the US.
Is Art of Living courses worth it?
Yes its totally worth it to even get a few minutes of peace in this busy and noisy world we live in. The Art of living not only give peace of mind but also relieve and sense of freshness and energy to move forward in life.
How do you do Sky breathing?
During the second technique, you rapidly inhale air and forcefully exhale at a rate of 30 breaths per minute. Next, you chant "Om" three times with a prolonged expiration. The final technique entails following a rhythmic, cyclical breathing in slow, medium, and fast cycles, the article said.