How do I connect to Clarion hotel WiFi?
How do I connect to my Clarion hotel's WiFi? Contact the Clarion hotel's front desk for information on how to connect to their WiFi network. A login and password will be provided upon request.
Is Clarion hotel a Hilton property?
There is just one Hilton Worldwide in Clarion, but we are confident it has what you're looking for. We think you'll see all the conveniences you know you should expect, and also incredible prices. And while Hilton Worldwide is popular for their hotels, they also have fantastic hotel resorts in specific cities.
Is Clarion part of IHG?
And if your travels take you to another part of the world, you'll find an IHG accommodation that meets your needs. From hotels in the heart of it all to luxury accommodations off the beaten path, IHG offers great hotel deals in Clarion and throughout the world.
Does Clarion Inn require a deposit?
Deposit/Guarantee - A valid credit card is required with all check ins. Credit card will be pre-authorized at check in to cover full room & tax charges plus the $250 security deposit. A check out, the pre authorization is then cancelled and guest can pay the balance due with credit card, debit card or cash.
How do I check my Choice Privileges points?
You can view your point forfeiture date on your Choice Privileges account page either on or through the mobile app.
Do you have to pay for Choice Privileges?
Choice Privileges is free and easy to join, Members enjoy exclusive rates and can earn rewards such as free nights at Choice Hotels® locations, all-inclusive resort getaways, gift cards and more. Just fill out the form below to get started. I want to join Choice Privileges.
How many points do you get per night with Choice Hotels?
The Choice Privileges Member number must be present on the reservation. Members booking the 1,000 Points Package (PKPR1 rate plan) will pay BAR (best available) rate plus $6.50 for each room each night of the stay. The Member will in turn receive 1,000 points for each room each night.
How do I use my choice privilege rewards?
You can redeem your Choice Privileges points by transferring them to a variety of other loyalty programs, including:
- Amtrak: 32,000 Choice Privileges points = 5,000 Amtrak Guest Rewards points.
- Aeroplan: 5,000 Choice Privileges points = 1,000 Aeroplan miles.