What is an EOL account?
Employee Online (EOL) enables you to view all aspects of your roster in the past, present and as far into the future as the rosters have been published. This includes annual leave, enhanced hours, training days, skills and certificates and your pay records before you receive your paper pay slips from payroll.
Is there an employee online app?
Me, from Allocate, is the next generation app designed for android and iOS phones and successor to Employee Online. It is free of charge to download from Google Play Store and App Store by searching for Me from Allocate or, if preferred, accessible also as a webpage (with reduced functionality).
What is a HealthRoster nhs?
HealthRoster is an electronic management system and workforce tool to enable the effective, safe and equitable utilisation of staff and resources across Trust. ... It enables end-to-end staff management based on one consolidated view of all staff groups and all staff types, whether substantive, bank or agency.