What is GovDelivery?
GovDelivery is a web-based e-mail subscription management system that allows a member of the public (user) to subscribe to news and information on DHS websites. The GovDelivery user selects specific topics that interest them.
How do I subscribe to GovDelivery?
Subscribe right now to receive your free e-mail updates instantly by going to: www.fsa.usda.gov/subscribe. Producers, owners and others interested in keeping up to date with important FSA program deadlines and information are strongly encouraged to sign up for GovDelivery.
Is GovDelivery com legit?
The private information of both Granicus govDelivery users and govDelivery subscribers is secure. Any claim to the contrary is a very serious allegation and completely inaccurate.
What is GovDelivery communications cloud?
The GovDelivery Communications Cloud (GovDelivery) is a web-based software system, provided by Granicus, that allows several FTC offices, including the Division of Consumer and Business Education, the Office of Public Affairs, and the Office of International Affairs, to deliver emails to subscribers and manage ...
Is GovDelivery com legitimate?
The private information of both Granicus govDelivery users and govDelivery subscribers is secure. Any claim to the contrary is a very serious allegation and completely inaccurate.
How do I unsubscribe from GovDelivery?
To discontinue receiving GovDelivery email notifications, please simply visit GovDelivery Contact Us page or send an email by selecting this link: GovDelivery (Email To: [email protected]).