How do I cancel Rexmd?
If you wish to cancel an Automatic Renewal Program, you may do so at any time by calling us at: (866) 294-3772.
Is Rexmd legitimate?
You want to be sure that their products are legitimate and their service is reliable. From what we've found, it's safe to say that REX MD can be trusted. REX MD currently has 435 reviews on Trustpilot, and 80% of those reviews gave REX MD five out of five stars. Overall, Trustpilot gives the company a rating of 4.4/5.
What is Med Rex?
Rex MD is a telemedicine platform that helps men access prescription medications for erectile dysfunction. Telemedicine platforms like ours connect patients with doctors virtually for checkups and diagnoses.
Is Rex MD the same as Viagra?
If you're buying branded Viagra® from Rex MD, that's exactly what you're getting: Pfizer's (the original manufacturer) tried and true original Viagra® recipe. By comparison, generic products also contain the same active ingredient, sildenafil, but they're made with a slightly different recipe.
Is Rexmd a legit site?
You want to be sure that their products are legitimate and their service is reliable. From what we've found, it's safe to say that REX MD can be trusted. REX MD currently has 435 reviews on Trustpilot, and 80% of those reviews gave REX MD five out of five stars. Overall, Trustpilot gives the company a rating of 4.4/5.
Is Rexmd Real Viagra?
Sildenafil (Viagra): REX MD offers branded and generic varieties of sildenafil. Both come in tablets of 25, 50, and 100 milligrams (mg). Individuals can take these with or without food, but it may be more effective if they take them on an empty stomach.
Does sildenafil work as good as Viagra?
The takeaway
Generic Viagra, or sildenafil citrate, works the same as Viagra, but at a lower cost. While Pfizer still manufactures the “little blue pill,” other companies, globally and in the United States, make sildenafil. It may look different, but it's still an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction.