How much does the Mindbody app cost?
MINDBODY costs between $129 and $349 per month for its health and wellness customers.
What is clients Mindbodyonline?
Client profiles help you deliver the best service
Access your clients' preferences, payment info, and service history exactly when you need it to deliver the personalized experiences they crave.
How do you log into Mindbody?
You can access your Mindbody site through your computer, or you can log in through the Mindbody Business® app on a mobile device.
Signing in from your computer
- Find your site. ...
- On the top right, click Staff sign-in.
- Enter your username and password on the staff sign-in screen. ...
- Click Sign In.
How do you register on the Mindbody app?
Go to the Home tab and then select Manager Tools. Click Settings, then Business Information. On the "Locations and Mindbody App" page, select Let people find my business on the Mindbody app. Complete the information that will appear for your business listing on the app.