Is the U.S. Career Institute legit?
Yes. U.S. Career Institute is Accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. The Distance Education Accrediting Commission is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a recognized accrediting agency.
Is U.S. Career Institute medical assistant program accredited?
Is this Medical Assistant Program accredited? A. U.S. Career Institute is Accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission.
Is Stratford career Institute Online accredited?
Are you accredited? No, Stratford does not currently claim any academic accreditation, nor have we ever done so. Stratford offers introductory courses designed to help students gain knowledge necessary for the vocational application of a subject.
Is U.S. Career Institute medical billing and coding?
We offer an affordable Medical Coding and Billing course that will prepare you for a career as a Medical Coding and Billing Specialist. In addition to earning your certificate through U.S. Career Institute, we will prepare you to sit for nationally recognized Medical Coding and Billing certification exams.