What is the current value of Dagcoin?
DAG price chart
Price to USD |
24h change |
$ 0.1374 |
+6.28% |
Is Dagcoin a cryptocurrency?
Dagcoin is a globally accessible, easy-to-use cryptocurrency with the main priority on usability, not trading.
How do I sell my DAG coins?
- List your products. Find the things to sell, take great pictures, and list the products on Dagmarket.
- Meet in person. Get together and hand over your product to the buyer.
- Receive Dagcoins. Make a wallet-to-wallet transaction with the buyer and receive your coins. Start selling. Recently sold. See More. Made in Italy.
What can I buy with Dagcoin?
By using Dagcoin, to receive a salary, buy food, pay bills, etc., these people can create a credit history. This can be used to show not just their income and expenditure, but also what they can afford to pay back a bank or other lender.