How do I log into my Calvary email?
You can view additional support resources and the introductory training video on the Support Worker Connect Support & Training page. If prompted to log in, use the same Username and Password you use for your Calvary Email. Enter Password Click Sign In Enter Email Address 1.
Who owns Calvary aged care?
Little Company of Mary Health Care
Who owns the Calvary Hospital?
the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary
Is Calvary not-for-profit?
Established in 1885 by the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary, Calvary is a not-for-profit Catholic health care organisation. Our mission is to provide quality, compassionate healthcare to the most vulnerable, including those reaching the end of their life.
Is Calvary Hospital religious?
Today, Calvary is a charitable Catholic not-for-profit organisation with over 18,000 staff and volunteers, we have a national network of 14 Public and Private Hospitals, 72 Residential Care and Retirement Communities and 19 Community Care service centres.
What is a japara home?
Japara Healthcare is an Australian company that operated aged care homes in Australia. It was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange until November 2021 when it was acquired by Calvary Care. It runs 51 homes across Australia.