How can I get Chordify for free?
You can download the iOS Chordify App for free here. You can download the Android App (APK) for free here. Using the desktop version of Chordify doesn't require an application â just head to the Chordify website and start jamming!
Why is Chordify not working?
Make sure you're using the latest version of the Chordify app (find the latest version at or your browser. Upload songs from your own music library. Learn more about how to upload songs from your own music library on Chordify. Try a different browser and see if the video works as expected there.
How much does Chordify cost?
Chordify Premium is really affordable, regardless of your situation. If you buy a year, it comes out to about $3.49 per month, which is a reasonable ask for this type of tool. A month-to-month "lease style" membership is $6.99. The yearly price for a Chordify Premium membership comes out to $3.49 per month.
Do you have to pay for Chordify?
We highly recommend Chordify Premium, but using Chordify for free is also possible. You won't get all the great features like capo hints or file uploads, but you can play along to a (limited) set of songs. ... If you are interested in trying out Chordify Premium for free, be sure to check out our Chordify Premium channel.
Is Chordify app free?
You can download the Android App (APK) for free here. Using the desktop version of Chordify doesn't require an application â just head to the Chordify website and start jamming!
What is Chordify net?
Chordify is an online music-education service â made for and by music enthusiasts â that transforms music from YouTube, Deezer, SoundCloud, or your private collection into chords. Our service automatically recognizes chords from an audio signal and aligns them to the music in a simple and intuitive player.