How do I get my 6 digit PIN from the IRS?
Retrieve your IP PIN online at the IRS's Get an IP PIN site; or. Call the IRS at 1-800-908-4490 to have your IP PIN mailed to you (this can take up to 21 days)
How do I find my IP PIN online?
To get an IP PIN that is lost, forgotten, or never arrived in a CP01A Notice, use the IP PIN request portal at If you can't access your IP PIN online, call (800) 908-4490 for help getting your IP PIN reissued. Anyone who has been a victim of identity theft is automatically assigned an IP PIN.
How do I get an IRS PIN?
If you're unable to retrieve your IP PIN online, you may call us at 800-908-4490 for specialized assistance, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. your local time (Alaska & Hawaii follow Pacific Time), to have your IP PIN reissued.
Do you get a new IP PIN every year?
A new IP PIN will be generated each year. If we assigned you an IP PIN, you must use it to confirm your identity on any return filed during the current calendar year. This includes current year returns as well as any delinquent tax returns.
How do I check the status of my stimulus check?
To find the amounts of your Economic Impact Payments, check: Your Online Account: Securely access your individual IRS account online to view the total of your first, second and third Economic Impact Payment amounts under the “Economic Impact Payment Information” section on the Tax Records page.
How do I contact the IRS about a missing stimulus check?
How can you request an IRS trace for missing stimulus money? To request a payment trace, call the IRS at 800-919-9835 or mail or fax a completed Form 3911, Taxpayer Statement Regarding Refund (PDF). Note: If you call the number, you'll have to listen through the recorded content before you can connect with an agent.
Can I call IRS for stimulus check status?
The IRS Economic Impact Payment phone number is 800-919-9835. You can call to speak with a live representative about your stimulus check.
How soon will I get my stimulus?
On April 2, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said qualified Americans who have signed up for direct deposit payments should get them within two weeks, a process which is currently ongoing.