Where does JustFashionNow ship from?
The business's primary address is located in the UK, the company ships orders from China, and there are several return addresses in California. Based on the information detailed above, BBB cannot confirm the legitimacy of justfashionnow.
How reliable is JustFashionNow com?
Answer: JustFashionNow is trustworthy. Up to 95% of our customers love our products and service. In fact, even for a famous and large company, there is a few negative reviews as well.
How do I return to just fashion now?
If you would like to return an item, simply follow these steps
- Send a request for an Return Confirmation to [email protected].
- You will get information about which address to ship your item to.
- You simply attach the return address firmly and clearly visible to the package and return through you local Postal Service.
Are now vitamins made in China?
Now Foods acknowledges that to exclude sourcing from a specific country, like China, would eliminate the ability to source many ingredients such as Vitamin C, B Vitamins and more. Major brands have managed to become successful despite openly and transparently admitting that many of their ingredients come from China.