How do you cancel RAC membership?
If you would like to cancel your membership, please call our Membership team on 0330 159 0739. They'll take a few details from you and will be able to help straight away.
How do I contact RAC when broken down?
To speak to our RAC Customer Services team, please call us on 0330 159 0740.
Can I get a refund from RAC?
Cancellation of RAC Breakdown Cover You can cancel RAC Breakdown Cover within the first 14 days following the start date, renewal date or the date you receive this policy booklet, whichever happens later. Your broker will refund your premium in full unless a driver has made a claim within this period.
Can I change MyRAC membership online?
How do I change my personal details on my existing breakdown membership? You can update your address, email address and phone number online or using our app: Change contact details on your breakdown policy. This is a quick and easy way for you to amend your details.