Tassomai Login

Explainer Paris, France

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Apr 19, 22 (Updated: Jul 16, 22)

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1. Tassomai.com
Guru Israel 2 years ago



Tassomai is an intelligent online learning program helping students at all levels achieve outstanding results. · ✓ Trusted by teachers in 500+ schools · Hear ...

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3. Zendesk.com
Informed Bengaluru, Karnataka, India 2 years ago

Tassomai - Student Login Guide for Password Reset


Tassomai - Student Login Guide for Password Reset ... When following the password link, please type in your school email address, if you get an ...

4. Downend.com
Curious London, United Kingdom 2 years ago

Seneca/Tassomai/Hegarty - Instructions - Downend School


Seneca Learning - How to Reset a Password · Tassomai - How to check your progress · Tassomai - Setup instructions · Hegarty Maths - How to log in ...

5. Snhs.kirklees.sch.uk
Explainer United States 2 years ago



Visit app.tassomai.com/signup. • Enter your school's unique code: QJT9LNXH. • Enter your details – please make sure that you do NOT forget the email.

6. Thestudentroom.co.uk
Teacher United States 2 years ago

Tassomai - The Student Room


Does anyone have a Tassomai login from their school that I can use? It's a quiz-style website to help with science, but my school is a flop and hasn't ...

7. Worle-school.org.uk
Scholar Birmingham, AL USA 2 years ago

Hegarty/Tassomai Login Guidance — WCSA - Worle School


Hegarty/Tassomai Login Guidance. If you are struggling to log into Hegarty or Tassomai please see below for guidance : Hegarty Maths.

8. Ormondeyecenter.com
Teacher 2 years ago

Tassomai Login - Ormond Eye Center


New? Create an account. Create Account. Been here before? Log In. Reset Password. Teacher Hub Tassomai — Tassomai. https://www.tassomai.com/teacher- ...

9. Hphigh.co.uk
Outspoken 2 years ago

Holmleigh Park High School: Home


Google Classroom. Google Classroom. Tassomai. Tassomai. Bedrock Learning. Bedrock Learning. Hegarty Maths. Hegarty Maths.

10. Gasstrutrepair.com.au
Legendary Northwest Indiana 2 years ago

Tascomi Login - Login page


Tassomai for schools Improving outcomes in science, English and maths Tassomai is the most impactful learning and revision platform available, used by more than ...

11. Paulleecabinetmakers.com.au
Informed Venice, Italy 2 years ago

Tassomai Sign Up - Login page


Tassomai is an intelligent online learning program helping students at all levels achieve outstanding results. Using Tassomai builds core subject knowledge, ...

12. Tassimo.com
Editor United States 2 years ago

... information about any services we provide to you; your on-line browsing activities on our websites; your account login details, including user name(s) ...

13. Sparxmaths.uk
Critic 2 years ago

Sparx Student Login. Select your school. Start typing the name of your school to begin searching.


If you know a webpage link that work for the reported issue. Consider sharing with the community by adding in the above list. After verification of provided information, it would be get listed on this web page.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I log into Tassomai?

Just go to Tassomai's sign in page and enter the details that you signed up with (or the email you gave the school). If you don't know your password you can use the reset password link to create a new one. You can also use those same details to access the free Tassomai app for Android phones!

Why is my Tassomai not working?

Often problems can be solved by clearing cookies. If you're using an old version of Internet Explorer then we would recommend changing browser to Google Chrome, as Tassomai may not work optimally on this.

How do I add a student to Tassomai?

Search for the student using the navigator at the top left of the screen, and select them. Then click “Settings” along the top and update their personal details.

Is there a Tassomai app?

We're very 'appy to announce that the new Tassomai mobile phone app is now available for all students to download from Google Play and the App Store.

How do you login to Tassomai?

Sign in using your school email account and choose a password you will remember (or write it down somewhere you won't forget!) 5. You can now use it on your computer directly, or download the Tassomai app, sign in with your email and password and get studying!

How do I set my Tassomai to work?

To do this, you need to select the class you want and choose “settings” along the top of the screen. There, you will see several different options, which this page covers in detail.
The Settings Page
  1. Always.
  2. After completing their daily goal (recommended and default)
  3. Never.

What is Tassomai used for?

Tassomai is an excellent revision tool that enables students to boost their knowledge in areas where they need it most. The algorithm identifies any knowledge gaps and creates a personalised programme of content for the student.

Is Tassomai just for science?

Originally designed to support GCSE science, Tassomai has expanded to cover KS3 and KS4 English (literature and language), maths and science.

Recent Tweets By tassomai

@Tassomai Tassomai in three words... It was great to visit @highgatewood for GCSE Results Day last year and speak to the students and teachers about Tassomai. https://t.co/6SgYIeDVNM via @YouTube
2023-01-19 09:00:27
@Tassomai Keir Smith, history teacher at a school in Bristol, talks to Tassomai about what parents need to know about the history GCSE and how they can support their child with their revision https://t.co/RlD5c7hJnn https://t.co/dmESBIvMjB
2023-01-17 12:28:09
@Tassomai Teachers can see at a glance where individual students and entire classes are excelling and struggling, enabling intervention and drastically reducing time spent on assessment, marking and analysis. Free to trial: https://t.co/GhT8CMIZli https://t.co/8LLT7ALG7i
2023-01-16 11:41:26
@Tassomai Well done! It's brilliant to see one of our new subjects being used and having an impact so quickly! https://t.co/AKHhbxWWa2 https://t.co/8bAeETGr8Y
2023-01-16 04:15:27
@Tassomai "Everyone has experienced some form of stress in their lives, but how often do we stop to analyse its symptoms and its effect on the body..." Read more from @kcoscience and other experts in our GCSE Survival Guide: https://t.co/kBJhylwP7q https://t.co/lTrb9gdbUY
2023-01-13 07:15:30
@Tassomai An oldie but a goodie! @MurrayTassomai https://t.co/bJGHy9W4qf
2023-01-12 10:28:53
@Tassomai Accessing our new courses: Schools – Get in touch with your Customer Success Manager Current Private Subscribers (Y9-11 package) – Go to the ‘Subscriptions’ section & add the new courses Prospective Private Subscribers – sign up for our 7-day free trial! https://t.co/4vTcumPaWQ https://t.co/s0a59FxVaZ
2023-01-12 04:30:55
@Tassomai "A computer science app where actual teachers have had an input!" – @Drn40Robertson, @harrowway This course is much like our maths and science content - each quiz covers a major topic, such as algorithms or networks, with questions adapted to each individual student. https://t.co/sXSG1zBACp
2023-01-11 01:04:39
@Tassomai @Drn40Robertson, Curriculum Leader of IT and Computer Science at @harrowway, speaks about her experience of helping to develop our new computer science course – https://t.co/koO7awNBVw https://t.co/QZCeJRJkfN
2023-01-10 05:25:33
@Tassomai After the success of our trial in the autumn term, we are delighted to be launching 3 new GCSE courses for year 9-11 students studying geography, history and computer science! These new subjects are now available for schools and private subscribers - find out more on our website! https://t.co/03vY7tKWV5
2023-01-06 07:50:50
@Tassomai As the year comes to an end, we took a look back at which post you loved best, and here it is. See you in 2023, for more trees 🌳 https://t.co/BVJGZKHOQk
2022-12-31 10:05:00
@Tassomai "It was good... really helpful. I probably wouldn't have passed some of my exams without it. Great app, well done!" https://t.co/mVEyIZcJn5 https://t.co/4Qojtc9Z5d
2022-12-29 08:29:30
@Tassomai Tell us more... some use Tassomai as a bit of friendly competition, others to pass their exams, or quite simply 'to get where you need to be'. The versatility offers everyone their own way to revise so students at all levels can achieve outstanding results. https://t.co/en576JQJLz
2022-12-27 01:30:00
@Tassomai ✨ From all of us at Tassomai, well done for all your hard work this year! Enjoy the holidays and see you in 2023 ✨ https://t.co/Oeq5cjQIj7
2022-12-23 12:28:00
@Tassomai A, B, C or D? 🎄 https://t.co/DzW4owr7qd
2022-12-22 00:00:00
@Tassomai @Uniqetz You got it! Merry Christmas 🎅🏻
2022-12-22 00:00:00
@Tassomai It's brilliant to see the various ways that everyone from teachers and educators, to parents and students, use and benefit from Tassomai. How could we help your revision and learning? Thanks to @DJGteaching at @GateacreSchool for sharing how it helps them! https://t.co/MLTZNKSXkx
2022-12-19 00:00:00
@Tassomai @TeacherInTrain @TheSuttonAC @ThePiXLNetwork 👏 We like what you did there! But also, thanks! How's this: https://t.co/zGHP2obFJk
2022-12-19 00:00:00
@Tassomai One of the many tips in our new GCSE Survival Guide for Students. Download it for free: https://t.co/DyIpJbbN3G https://t.co/gNrtN1rUL8
2022-12-16 00:00:00
@Tassomai "... or even on the bus! It's easy to fit into those times when you don't have a lot of time but want to do something" Tassomai makes it easier to learn and revise at home, at school or on the move - just log in and the algorithm ensures everything gets the attention it needs. https://t.co/hRZTJNgXXI
2022-12-13 00:00:00
@Tassomai In school, at home, or even on the bus - using the app means Tassomai fits around your life, so you can hit your Daily Goals when it suits you! 🚌 https://t.co/R7sttgXm03
2022-12-09 00:00:00
@Tassomai Have you seen our new GCSE Survival Guide for Students? As students look towards the new year, with the return of strict grade boundaries and exams incoming, we've published a free guide for students to help you navigate your GCSE years. https://t.co/DyIpJbbN3G https://t.co/KD24Nd1CRC
2022-12-07 00:00:00
@Tassomai @jodihill01 Glad we can help 🥰 what's the most stressful part?
2022-12-06 00:00:00
@Tassomai Teachers, our Christmas stickers are now available on the Teacher Hub. Stickers are a fun way for you to reward and motivate students for good usage of the program. Find out more at: https://t.co/5PngIm46YR https://t.co/VfDv4qJYmj
2022-12-06 00:00:00
@Tassomai Your monthly stats just keep getting better! In November there were: 👉 27% more Questions Answered than October 👉 19% more Daily Goals completed 👉 22% more Quizzes Finished 👉 Over 200,000 videos watched https://t.co/Ef2eGwBLaT
2022-12-02 00:00:00
@Tassomai We're into the final few hours... https://t.co/XXl5VZaxxy
2022-11-30 00:00:00
@Tassomai Always a joy to revisit this from @ChartersSchool https://t.co/WbmnfXdoRH
2022-11-30 00:00:00
@Tassomai If you already use Tassomai, why not share this with someone who you think would enjoy it 📚 #CyberMonday https://t.co/84WpfRY6Jo
2022-11-28 00:00:00
@Tassomai Join us for our last Live Lesson of the year, focusing on the digestive system - the perfect pre Christmas topic! As always, sign up for free at https://t.co/GE1OWsJAor https://t.co/VytMIPVkD6
2022-11-28 00:00:00
@Tassomai "There was just some information that I wouldn't have known otherwise. I remember in the test thinking, oh yeah, I know this because I did Tassomai, that was a really obscure question that came up. And it puts it in words that are very easy to understand" https://t.co/Mu4jwOny5d
2022-11-24 00:00:00
@Tassomai It's good to know we've helped 🥰 https://t.co/QpGooktvl5
2022-11-23 00:00:00
@Tassomai Parents… help your child get ahead in their mock exams with Tassomai! Try our award-winning app for FREE for 7-days, & SAVE 50% for your first 2 months if you start your trial before the end of November! Just use promo-code BF22 at: https://t.co/yDtRvPUvxy https://t.co/3nZ2zT7gHu
2022-11-23 00:00:00
@Tassomai Great to see such enthusiastic feedback from teachers about our new printable reports! Read more about them on our blog or join a webinar with @MurrayTassomai today at 4pm. Details and sign up link in here⏩ https://t.co/Q1mvwdI0Ru https://t.co/2pCd31lRV9
2022-11-22 00:00:00
@Tassomai ... "Thank you for the new printable reports. This change is a huge reduction in workload for our teachers, it will improve student accountability & ultimately student outcomes." "Love them! I have printed off already for some of my classes and sharing with them today!" https://t.co/kK87KV1pJK
2022-11-22 00:00:00
@Tassomai Join us tomorrow at 4pm for a 30 minute webinar with Tassomai founder, @MurrayTassomai, to discuss our brand new feature: Printables! https://t.co/wQttWbfh4T https://t.co/Xjt4TbBXuC
2022-11-21 10:18:17
@Tassomai With our Physics Live Lesson this Wednesday focusing on Series and Parallel Circuits, can you answer our question of the week or do you need to sign up and brush up on your knowledge? Join for free at: https://t.co/j4zxxxVJRf https://t.co/Ik9xalzsv1
2022-11-21 06:35:00
@Tassomai Parents… help your child get ahead in their mock exams with Tassomai! Try our award-winning app for FREE for 7-days, & SAVE 50% for your first 2 months if you start your trial before the end of November! Just use promo-code BF22 at: https://t.co/5xupj4Qlkr https://t.co/YcytrfhIvh
2022-11-20 01:48:00
@Tassomai Teachers have told us they’d like printable reports on their students’ Tassomai usage, and now that’s what they can get, thanks to a new addition to your teacher dashboard! Find out more at https://t.co/gGSPsWuMXQ https://t.co/zXQPvvTw0Y
2022-11-18 10:41:47
@Tassomai Physics students, join us next Wednesday: https://t.co/j4zxxxVJRf https://t.co/TYfLvccTym
2022-11-18 03:12:56
@Tassomai There's still time to sign up for today's free GCSE Chemistry Live Lesson on Endothermic & Exothermic Reactions https://t.co/fgKuMsMlCt
2022-11-15 01:29:16
@Tassomai Parents… help your child get ahead in their mock exams with Tassomai! Try our award-winning app for FREE for 7-days, & SAVE 50% for your first 2 months if you start your trial before the end of November! Just use promo-code BF22 at: https://t.co/5xupj58uyz https://t.co/96n6Y1MPi2
2022-11-14 11:48:12
@Tassomai #mocks Research suggests that if you don't practise something regularly, remembering it diminishes over time. A few minutes’ quizzing each day can have a colossal effect, not only on refreshing knowledge, but on making it ‘stick’ for longer - try this with your students. https://t.co/ItzuAfkXvI
2022-11-14 06:17:00
@Tassomai Our next Live Lessons comes to you from David Fairclough of @sjfdewsbury and he'll be teaching Chemistry, focusing on Endothermic & Exothermic Reactions. Sign up for free at: https://t.co/fgKuMsucol
2022-11-14 01:04:07
@Tassomai @RJLane_Geog @missgeog92 Great to hear that you're enjoying our new geography content Mrs Lane! @missgeog92 and any other interested teachers, we'll be rolling this out more widely very soon. More info at https://t.co/1YpZ9heZmp
2022-11-13 10:00:48
@Tassomai #mocks Help students make a plan before they start so they can take ownership of their revision - a great skill to have as they head towards exams. Try a variety of revision techniques – notes on cards, self-quizzing, practice papers – interleaving makes learning more memorable. https://t.co/HJjcPswJWh
2022-11-11 07:45:00
@Tassomai We're at @TheEdPeopleShow today - stand 337. Come say hi to @MarkTassomai if you're around 👋 https://t.co/ktc4SuLf1I
2022-11-10 11:50:23
@Tassomai Are you struggling with Physics GCSE, or know a student who is? Join our free Live Lesson at 5pm today and learn all about Radiation and Half Life from @DJGteaching of @GateacreSchool Sign up at: https://t.co/mMSCYvHsCV https://t.co/EMxLjjuEcq
2022-11-09 09:48:00
@Tassomai #mocks Left to their own devices, students tend to revise the topics they feel more confident in, rather than those they don't. Our algorithm is designed specifically to ensure that quizzing practice tackles problem areas, helping students improve and expand their knowledge. https://t.co/U7f5d2l2L4
2022-11-09 03:52:00
@Tassomai Less than 5 hours until our GCSE #physics Live Lesson. Sign up for free on our website now 🔬 https://t.co/mMSCYvqpAV
2022-11-09 01:22:13
@Tassomai Little and often! Thanks for sharing Amy Craven and @sjfdewsbury https://t.co/9nMzTh3IJF
2022-11-08 11:51:00
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