How long is OSHA 30 final Clicksafety?
How long is OSHA 10 Good For?
Is OSHA com legit?
“'s courses are well-thought-out and easy to follow; my employees have had no problems completing their OSHA certification with your courses. Your selection of posters and safety products makes a complete stop for OSHA compliance.” Production Manager, Basot Packaging Inc. “Courses are well-explained.
Is there a test at the end of OSHA?
Students are required to take a final exam, which is 30 questions randomly aggregated from the courses taken. They have 3 attempts to pass the final exam at a 70% or better passing grade. Students must complete a course evaluation survey at the end of the final exam.
What is safety training program?
This training aims to equip participants with the basic knowledge and skills on identifying safety, health, and environmental hazards; determining appropriate control measures, and developing and implementing OSH policies and programs.