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Moodle.sexeys.somerset.sch.uk Domain Statistics. Title: Sexey's School Moodle ... Adler Graduate School Moodle: Log in to The Site. Online learning.

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2 Magazines from MOODLE.SEXEYS.SOMERSET.SCH.UK found on Yumpu.com - Read for FREE.

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Moodle.sexeys.somerset.sch.uk has one IP number ... - Robtex


Moodle.sexeys.somerset.sch.uk has one IP number. The IP number is The IP number is in Kingston, United Kingdom. It is hosted by Eclipse ...

4. Sexeyssport.com
Organizer San Francisco, CA, United States 2 years ago

Sports Map - Sexey's School


Address, Sexey's School Cole Road BRUTON Somerset BA10 0DF. Telephone, 01749 813393. Fax, 01749 812870. www.sexeys.somerset.sch.uk/ ...

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Announcer Russia 2 years ago

Sexey's School | Reviews and Catchment Area | Locrating


Sexey's School ; Website, http://www.sexeys.somerset.sch.uk/ ; Inspections. Ofsted Inspections. Monitoring visit. 02 Mar 2021 · Monitoring visit. 10 Nov 2020.

6. Schoolhousemagazine.co.uk
Editor Planet Earth 2 years ago

Sexey's School | School House Magazine


Address: Cole Road, Bruton, BA10 0DF Website: www.sexeys.somerset.sch.uk. Founded: 1891. Number of Pupils: 608. Fees: Boarding fees, £11,070 for the year ...

7. Moodle.org
Reviewer Brisbane, Australia 2 years ago

Can't edit HTML blocks on homepage - Moodle in English


My moodle is http://moodle.sexeys.somerset.sch.uk I am the only member of staff in the school who deals with the moodle backend.

8. Fliphtml5.com
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Sexey's Sixth Form Guide 2016 Pages 1 - 16 - FlipHTML5


4 Visit us online www.sexeys.somerset.sch.uk. What to expect at Sexey's Leaving behind good friends and changing school can be a wrench and ...

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DSS Express

An easy-to-use professional video surveillance management software. Client. App. iOS Android.


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Recent Tweets By sexeysschool

@SexeysSchool Ski Trip Awards 2023 ⛷️ #skitrip #stateboarding #bsa https://t.co/LbBKBE22W4
2023-01-27 10:58:50
@SexeysSchool A big thank you to @nationalgriduk’s Hinkley Connection Project team for donating 10 iPads to the school. These will support STEM learning & one iPad will be used by a Ukrainian student who is learning English to communicate with peers and teachers. https://t.co/w9YXHlhdjM https://t.co/HGhPphyQ1C
2023-01-26 12:01:15
@SexeysSchool Last night our ski trip students enjoyed a visit to the local ice cream parlour. Today they are back on the slopes for assessment day. We’ve seen some excellent skiing with students advancing up the mountain well. #skitrip https://t.co/1NrRBVfs1g
2023-01-26 02:28:01
@SexeysSchool Throwback to our SAFE Day last year - Support & Advice for Everyone. We were delighted to invite these organisations to school to offer advice to our students on how to keep safe. #safeday #pastoral #stateboardingschool https://t.co/ykFtlHZYtU
2023-01-25 01:21:24
@SexeysSchool Day 2 saw new ski groups with students progressing quickly up the mountain as well as fresh snow, some sunshine and yummy hot chocolate. The day finished with some ten pin bowling. #skitrip https://t.co/tKXUBOavQ6
2023-01-24 09:41:55
@SexeysSchool @whyteuk Great memories I’m sure!
2023-01-23 04:10:19
@SexeysSchool A great first day on the slopes for our ski trip students. The staff are also finding their ski legs ⛷️ #skitrip #stateboarding https://t.co/sMUOshP0Bk
2023-01-23 04:09:26
@SexeysSchool Our students have arrived in Italy and enjoyed an evening walk to stretch their legs. Everyone is fed and excited for day one on the slopes. #skitrip https://t.co/MPJ1jymGXN
2023-01-22 10:00:42
@SexeysSchool Our 2023 ski trip students are making their way to the snow. Here they are at the Mont Blanc tunnel heading from France to Italy #skitrip https://t.co/WBrrFv6EnM
2023-01-22 03:24:25
@SexeysSchool Friends of Sexey's School are looking for new members. If you have a fundraising idea or you would like to get involved please come along to our meeting next Wednesday on 25th January at 4pm. Email [email protected] for more information #Bruton #PSA
2023-01-18 12:56:45
@SexeysSchool The @NSPCC have this month launched their #ListenUpSpeakUp campaign to help provide training to spot and report abuse to help keep children safe. The training session takes just 10 minutes - click on the link below 👇 https://t.co/2HwWQQFbgg
2023-01-16 09:54:19
@SexeysSchool On Saturday 4th February we will be hosting our first 'Sexey's Big Breakfast' offering a full English breakfast with unlimited tea/coffee, fruit juice & toast. Join us from 10am to 11.30am. For more info and to book your table visit: https://t.co/6l7SkKUAvq #fundraising #bruton https://t.co/rf6IN4Liij
2023-01-12 12:23:33
@SexeysSchool We are deeply saddened to learn of the death of a former student from our school. This is a tragic loss to our community and our thoughts are with her family and friends at this extremely sad time. We also ask that the privacy of the family is respected.
2023-01-09 01:45:45
@SexeysSchool We have been blown away by the response of our parents & alumni to our library Christmas book appeal. School Librarians Mrs Baker & Miss Weller send a heartfelt thank you to all the families & individuals who have been able to help our library this term, it is much appreciated. https://t.co/ywHBFk2EmP
2022-12-08 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool @burge_nicky Thanks Nicky, we're glad she enjoyed it.
2022-12-08 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool We said a fond farewell to Kate Blackmore who retires today after 15 years working in the KDR. Kate is looking forward to lots of walks, reading and spending time with family. Congratulations on your retirement. https://t.co/4hbgxcFwtm
2022-12-08 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool Christmas treats for the staff for Wellbeing Wednesday ⛄️🦌#stateboardingschool #WellbeingWednesday https://t.co/X1aOaQ0ajs
2022-12-07 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool All students and staff have enjoyed a Christmas lunch in the KDR. Thank you to the kitchen team for serving up a delicious lunch and getting us all into the Christmas spirit! 🎄 https://t.co/atDmyisnJ1
2022-12-07 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool Our Christmas Carol Service was held this morning at St Mary the Virgin, Bruton led by Revd Jonathan Evans. Thank you to all the students and staff who took part in the service and to all the Houses for their superb carol singing. #CarolService #Christmas #Bruton https://t.co/J0nu0BNNXM
2022-12-07 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool Thank you to everyone who has donated to our Bruton Food Larder annual collection - it's great to see the House boxes filling up! If you would like to donate any items, please bring them to the school reception by lunchtime on Thursday. #donate #FoodBank https://t.co/0DtsvLi4we
2022-12-06 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool All students and staff are invited to join School Chaplain Ms Hester and Rev Jonathan Evans at 12.30pm tomorrow (Tuesday 6th December) for Holy Communion (Eucharist) in the School Sanctuary. https://t.co/e9e1TyYTTR
2022-12-05 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool Thank you to everyone who has donated a book or activity for our School Library Christmas Appeal. Our Wishlist has something for everyone, from book-related Top Trumps to heavy-hitting award-winning novels. You can view our Christmas Wishlist at: https://t.co/CuQPYTVGNt https://t.co/YHmTEvlVnS
2022-12-02 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool **Donations for Bruton Food Larder** We are starting our annual collection this week. Students & staff are invited to bring in what they can & place it next to their House Colour in reception. Requested items include toiletries, Christmas bits, cleaning products & tinned goods. https://t.co/Tj5IxmzSJX
2022-11-30 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool Congratulations to Lilly W in Year 9 for achieving her Black Belt 1st Dan in #Taekwondo. Lilly travelled to Daventry earlier this month for her Black Belt Grading and will now work towards stars until she can go for her Black Belt 2nd Dan when she is 16. Well done Lilly 👏👏 https://t.co/Z8UzfBFWua
2022-11-29 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool Launching our School Library Christmas Appeal! With new book releases emerging quicker than Harry Potter's patronus, our new librarians, Mrs Baker & Miss Weller, would like to boost our collection, with your help. Find out how to get involved at: https://t.co/CuQPYUdhF1 #wishlist https://t.co/0CxK27sA41
2022-11-28 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool @EdQuantock Congratulations to Spaxton C of E Primary School
2022-11-28 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool We are delighted with our 'good' SIAMS Inspection outcome. The inspector highlighted many strengths of the school including the focus on community and wellbeing. Read the full story at: https://t.co/BrpEte4JV6 #SIAMS #StateBoardingSchool #Bruton https://t.co/g6qAVoyVut
2022-11-24 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool Our uniform supplier Stevensons are offering a #BlackFriday special with 20% discount off all online sales of £60 or more. Orders must be placed by Wednesday 30th November using code BLACKFRIDAY20. Terms and Conditions apply. #blackfriday2022 https://t.co/drSKaU2Pim
2022-11-24 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool Good luck to the year 8s taking part in the Cyberfirst girls competition this week. Fantastic enthusiasm for problem solving and teamwork. #cyberfirst #stateboarding #bruton https://t.co/QzIO6j69xe
2022-11-22 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool We'll be supporting @ChiIdreninNeed tomorrow with a non-uniform day (suggested £1 donation). Our Year 11 prefects will be fundraising in the main hall at breaktime with a giant teddy raffle, guess the number of sweets, a photo booth, face painting & cake sale. #ChildrenInNeed2022 https://t.co/kaYsLRkU1f
2022-11-17 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool We’re back for day two of the @ischoolsshow. Come and say hello to us on stand 741 to find out about #stateboarding and our great academic outcomes. https://t.co/DwyUc8rUNt
2022-11-13 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool We’re at the @ischoolsshow this weekend. Come and see us on stand 741 to find out what our amazing school with affordable boarding has to offer. #stateboarding #bruton #somerset https://t.co/SLejK790Gh
2022-11-12 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool We were proud to mark Remembrance Day with a special collective worship in school today. Our thanks to those students and members of the school community in the Cadets and other uniform organisations who laid wreaths and to all those who took part in the service. #LestWeForget https://t.co/ltAqnyJp3p
2022-11-11 12:31:14
@SexeysSchool On Monday we'll be supporting the Anti-Bullying Alliance. Students are invited to wear odd socks to school on Monday! #OddSocksDay #AntiBullyingWeek https://t.co/KcH1zcUQhB
2022-11-11 00:00:00
@SexeysSchool Calling all young speakers! Show off your knowledge of a subject close to your heart as part of the annual Rotary Youth Speaks: A Debate competition. Interested? Come along to HUMS3 tomorrow (Thursday 10th Nov) for more information. Open to all Year 10,11,12 and 13 students. https://t.co/bhB3SnJJuF
2022-11-09 01:36:00
@SexeysSchool The weather is looking great for the fireworks tonight! You have until 4pm today to get early bird tickets from our school reception or the Premier Store. #fireworksnight #bruton #somerset https://t.co/lefcGfoc6V
2022-11-04 09:28:07
@SexeysSchool We are looking forward to seeing you all at the fireworks this evening. Could we please remind you to park in the car parks at either Sexey’s School or Bruton School for Girls. Please do not park on the verges so we can keep all access areas clear.
2022-11-04 05:05:47
@SexeysSchool We would like to say a very big thank you to all the companies that have sponsored our fireworks night. Thank you to West End Garage, @Kingsland_Sales, Premier Stores, Bruton and @compoost Toilets. Thank you so much for your support. https://t.co/G9IxXmTTtI
2022-11-04 02:14:42
@SexeysSchool We're exhibiting at The Independent Schools Show 2022, come and meet us there! https://t.co/MFflO0hGht
2022-11-02 02:06:39
@SexeysSchool @Jesssjstevens @PentathlonGB Congratulations Jessica
2022-11-01 09:48:41
@SexeysSchool Tickets for the fireworks are selling fast! Students can purchase tickets tomorrow (Wednesday) & Thursday break time by the school reception. Tickets are cash only. Don’t miss out on the early bird ticket prices. Tickets also available at Bruton Primary School & the Premier Store https://t.co/xYN4QdXC5J
2022-11-01 04:05:14
@SexeysSchool Happy Halloween! Before half term more than 40 students from @SexeysSixth enjoyed a friendly pumpkin carving competition in which students in teams of four carved pairs of pumpkins. Well done to Emma W for the best overall pumpkin. They are all spooktacular 🎃 #happyhalloween https://t.co/arZgvNepeN
2022-10-31 03:12:08
@SexeysSchool During the half term break early bird tickets for the Bruton Community Fireworks Night are available to purchase at the Premier Store on Bruton High Street. #fireworks #bruton #somerset https://t.co/mytLu1IEnJ
2022-10-20 09:57:25
@SexeysSchool A fantastic effort from Mr Fauceglia, Mrs Rogerson and Mr Carpenter who all completed the @bathhalf yesterday. You can still donate to support the two charities @macmillancancer and @WHYwehearyou here: https://t.co/PoJn6nvgkP or https://t.co/n6ZU9raII9 https://t.co/KbYB0Irl1n
2022-10-17 10:37:46
@SexeysSchool Good luck to Mr Fauceglia, Mrs Rogerson, Mr Carpenter and to everyone running the @bathhalf today. #teamsexeys @WHYwehearyou @macmillancancer https://t.co/gRt12IRFUm
2022-10-16 08:40:25
@SexeysSchool In recognition of #WorldMentalHealthDay @SexeysSixth have organised a non-uniform day in school tomorrow to raise money for @MindCharity. Students are invited to wear something purple & give a suggested donation of £1. Donations will be collected during afternoon assembly. https://t.co/WATX9Mc6LQ
2022-10-13 08:49:13
@SexeysSchool Mr Fauceglia, Mrs Rogerson and Mr Carpenter are running the @bathhalf this Sunday to help raise funds for two charities @macmillancancer and @WHYwehearyou. To donate please visit https://t.co/PoJn6nMjmP or https://t.co/n6ZU9qSzu1 Good luck to you all! #Fundraising #CancerSupport
2022-10-12 11:31:11
@SexeysSchool Thank you to everyone who attended our @SexeysSixth Open Evening last night. #SixthForm #SexeysSixth #AcademicExcellence https://t.co/N26Yr56IZY
2022-10-12 01:09:46
@SexeysSchool All ready to welcome prospective students and their parents at our Sixth Form Open Evening. #SexeysSixth #SixthForm #AcademicExcellence https://t.co/gB6Et0TSXi
2022-10-11 04:29:14
@SexeysSchool We are delighted to be hosting the #Bruton Community #Fireworks Night on Friday 4th November. Tickets are now on sale from reception & from the Premier Store, Bruton High Street. We hope you will join us to enjoy the fireworks & #fundraise for the school. https://t.co/VoIv7KFDv8 https://t.co/nb1EDfCN7i
2022-10-11 01:43:21
@SexeysSchool Well done to our students for topping the leaderboard this week in the Seneca Learning Regional School League 👍🥇 @SenecaLearn #exceptional #stateboardingschool https://t.co/jCFkV5MEvN
2022-10-05 11:15:06
@SexeysSchool Just one week to go until our Sixth Form Open Evening. Join us to find out why our friendly Sixth Form with exceptional academic outcomes is the place for you to continue your post-16 studies! We look forward to welcoming you! Register at https://t.co/K8YHBBWIKY @SexeysSixth https://t.co/AzhoOmo7KL
2022-10-04 10:49:29
@SexeysSchool At Sexey’s, we rotate our menus every three weeks & where possible use the finest local produce. In addition to the hot options we also offer a salad bar with pizza, jacket potato and meatball subs on rotation. You can view our menus at https://t.co/EIqOfMyxb9
2022-10-03 02:50:43
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