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Mar 07, 22 (Updated: Jul 23, 22)
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Login: Xln - Id. Password. Mobile ( For SMS) ... Login Statistics: Circle, NA. Others, NA. Firm Statistics: Sales Firm, NA. Total Licenses, NA.
MFG : Do NOT apply for MEDICAL DEVICES here ... Instead --> Go to SUGAM Portal. All Drug MFG Licensee are informed to Register themselves and Upload Documents / ...
Forgot Password? * * * MH xln - STATISTICS * * * Today's Login [ TECH ...
Govt. Bodies. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Govt Of India · Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals · Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, ...
Applicant has to login to User ID and Password. The application moves to. Licensing Authority (LA). If all the documents are.
... Details Registered Pharmist Details Varify Batch No Retailer / Wholesaler Details View Cancelled / Suspended Licenses. State. Gujarat. Contact Us. Login ...
XLN Login :-: State. Gujarat. xln - ID. Password. Refresh. Submit Forgot Password? Terms Of Use Privacy Policy Copyright Policy Hyperlinking Policy. • Step-2: Now, create your user account by clicking on “New Log-in & PWD”. User will get the credentials for log-in after ...
Register. X Welcome to SDCD E-JHAR. Your login id and password details have been sent to your registered email. · LOGIN. Login. ×. User Name · Employee Login ...
Application of New Login ID & Password on XLN INDIA. 6. With the ID and Password provided, applicant can login to using.
Principal Secretary (Health) to Govt. (Health & Family Welfare). Shri. P.M. Jayan Drugs Controller & Licencing Authority (In Charge) ...
Directorate of Drugs Control , Bihar State. XLN - Xtended Licensing Node. ** a DeitY , NIC & FDA Product, for Dept. of Health & Family Welfare ** ...
This will direct the New Registrant to the Application Form page. Existing licesees can Login using their Firm ID as 'USERNAME” and "DEFAULT PASSWORD". The ...
Close. User Login. Username. Password. Login. Contents Owned and Updated by Food & Drugs Administration Chhattisgarh.
Drugs Manufacturer Login · Drugs Sale Licence · Drugs Manufacturing Chemist Approval · FSSAI Payment Gateway · Appeal under Lok Sewa Guarantee Adhiniyam (LSGA) ...
Designed and Developed by NIC (TS), Hyderabad. Content owned, maintained and updated by Drugs Control Administration. Government of Telangana. Latest News. Bullets Image, Delhi Budget 2022-23 Citizen Participation. Bullets Image ...
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We facilitates community members to help each other for login and availability-related problems of any website. So if you are facing an issue related to Xlnindia Gov In Login or have any query regarding, please explain below:
i want drug license api to verify any type of drug license n.o and their details for my project
I m try so many time but site was not opening its shows that the error in connection and check your internet but my internet is working properly but site is not opening.
Site nhi open ho rahi
i want to check my pharmacy license status but the site is not opening for 5 days
Renewal of license
I am not able to open site.I have to download drugs licence.
site not opening
Drug licence Retail
Pls sir ab to site open kr do. There are many days to not working site.
Please sir open this site.
Sir please open the site of Xilindia Himachal Pradesh. We are in a big problem. We are paying the rent to the premises owner without any work from last three months. Who is the responsibil for this. We don't do anything. Pls do something about it.
Pls sir open this site Xlnindia . gov. in
Himachal vale sabhi bhai is number pe contact kre 8219073584
Druge licence online veryfy
Our user I'd is 753079. We clicked on forgot password. Asking for OTP. We are not receiving any OTP. Neither able to reset password.
Xlnindia gov. In site will be not open
Sir we are not able to view NSQ details of Thiruvananthapuram ie Kerala and Karnataka from past 20days through it gets diverted to Gujarat portal Regards
Pls sir open the site of Xilindia. gov. in
This site is not working from last three months. The license of medical Stores of Himachal Pradesh are painding due to this site. Pls open the site of Xilindia. gov in
Sir /Madam with due respect the website of Xilindia site is not working from last three months. The drug license of Himachal Pradesh are painding due to this site. We are paying rent to the premises owner without any work from last three months. We are in big trouble. So pls do something about this site.
Sir, With due respect the website of Xilindia is not working from last one month. The drug license of medical Stores are pending due to this site. All formalities are completed smoothly by the authorities. We are paying rent to premises onwer without any work from last three months. So pls do something about this site.
The Xlnindia. gov. in is not open from one month. The license of medical Stores are pending due to this site from last three months.
site is not openung
Drag licence
Himachal Pradesh site is not working. We have been paying rent for the last 4 months without any use. Government of Himachal Pradesh should think about this web site. Many people are worried. Please find some solution for this or work offline. Get it done until this website is down so that we can do our work.
Pls sir open this site. There are many days to not open this site Xlnindia. gov. in. We are very trouble to not open this site. We are allready give rent to the premises owner without any work.
The license of medical Stores are pending of Himachal Pradesh. We are paying rent to premises onwer without any work from last two months. Pls open this site. Do something about this site.
Xln is not opening
This site is not be open from one month and more. What is the problem with www Xlnindia. gov. in. Why this site is not open. We are tied to logging with this. But this site is not open. The rent of premises we are giving to the premises owner without any work. (हिमाचल प्रदेश)हम बीस दिन से कोशिश कर रहे है पार ये वेब साइट खुल नहीं रहीं है कृपया इस पे ध्यान दीजिए हम बहुत परेशान हो रहे है हमारा काम रूक गया है और हम पीछले दो महीने से किराया भर रहें हैं हिमाचल प्रदेश सरकार से बिनती है के इसका कुछ रास्ता निकालिए
This is to inform you that the website XLNINDIA.GOV.IN is not working from last one month. That is why there is delay by the govt. Officer ( DRUG INSPECTOR) to inspect the primicis. Please resolve my problem as I am paying my rent against for the acquired primis and no work has been done within last month. Kindly resolve my problem otherwise I have to file a complaint on CM WINDOW and I will also take this issue on twiter making it an serious issue for every one by taging our honourable PRIME MINISTER and CHIF MINISTER( Himachal pardesh).It is an humble request .. please resolve my problem because I am suffering from problem due to failure of govt. System
हिमाचल प्रदेश ये साइट चल नहीं रही है में पीछले 2 महीने से परेशान हु फ्री में किराया दे रहा हु
The site of Xilindia. gov. in. is not open from 20 days continuously. This site is belong to Himachal Pradesh. We are not take update for our drug license. So pls do something about this.
The site of Xilindia . gov. in. Is not open from 20 days continuously. This site is belong with Himachal Pradesh. We are not able to further process.
From past 15-16 days for jharkhand region is not working because of this we are not able to proceed further.Can u plz give the update on this issue which we are facing from 18-09-23.
Xlnindia Gov In Login (Jharkhand) this side was on open till 10days.
Xlnindia Gov In Login हिमाचल प्रदेश की साइट पीछले एक महीने से बंद है जिसकी वजह से मेरा लाइसेंस नहीं आराहा है जिसकी वजह से मुझे बहुत प्रेशानी हो रही है कृपया करके हिमाचल प्रदेश की साइट को चलाइए ताकि हमारा काम आगे बड़ सके हिमाचल प्रदेश साईट को पिछ्ले एक महीने से देख रहें है ये बंद है इसकी वजह से हमारा रिटेल लाइसेंस नहीं आराहा है जो हम पीछले दो महीने से फ्री में रेंट दे रहे है हमने मेडिकल स्टोर खोलने के लिए कर्ज लिया है लेकिन हमारा इस वेब साइट की वजह से काम आगे नही हो रहा है कृपया इस साइट को चलाइए हिमाचल प्रदेश को छोड़ के बाकी सब स्टेट की साइट चल रही है कृपया हिमाचल प्रदेश की साइट को भी चलाईये site is not open I have check my license details please resolve this problem ASAP
हम पीछले 10 दिन से कोशिश कर रहे है पर हिमाचल प्रदेश साईट ओपन नही हो रही है इस वजह से हमारा काम रूक रहा है कृपया इसपे ध्यान दीजिए हम बहोत परेशान हो रहे है site Himachal Pradesh Not open this site encrypted
We have been trying to open (Jharkhand) for the past 10-12 days to fill in the details but for the past 10-12 days the respective site has not opened. Still facing the same issue, please look into it as we have to proceed further and because of this we are not able to continue our work.
Otp is not come in my registered my mobile no